DNA structure
number of breaks: 2
showing 1-2 of 2 breaks
Vicious Circles – how changes in the shape of DNA can drive cancer
The diploid human genome contains 23 pairs of chromosomes whose DNA encodes genes for life activities, such as cell division. Cancer corrupts those genes, making growth-promoting genes more active (oncogenes) or growth-inhibiting genes (tumor suppressors) less active. One of the most common genetic alterations causing... click to read more
Views 4855
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Aug 17, 2020
DNA G-Quadruplexes: ‘knot’ that simple!
Known as the "molecule of life", DNA is found in every cell in our body, providing a set of instructions for the function and organization throughout our bodies. These instructions are encoded by only four structural variations, abbreviated to A, C, G and T. While... click to read more
Views 4599
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Feb 20, 2019
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